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Friday, September 12, 2008

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

This week is about Racial Harmony Day!RacialHarmony means that people from different religeons come together and celebrate.If we do not have racial harmony,our country will now still be filled with riots and destruction.My neighbours from other races and I get along very well and I’ll always say “Good Morning!” to them and go to school.Unfortunatly I don’t have friends from other races in school because ……..(I dunno)But I will try to make more friends from other races.

Term 3 week 4 ~>>Cyber Bullying<<~
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dear Journal,

Today,I am going to talk about Cyber Bullying.Cyber Bullying is a form of bullying but it is on the Internet.They say bad things,use other people's picture,name,email address,Nric,Flaming and saying vulgar language.Those bullies think that bullying someone is cool but i heard this phrase:"bullying is not cool,bullyinfg is for fools!"when someone wants to cyberbully me,he flamed me and used capital words and then scold vulgar language but there is only 1 thing tostop them from cyberbullying,ignore them,they can't hurt physically on the internet,but on the real world people can hurt you so avoid making them angry.

Term 3 week 3 ~>>Using the 999 call<<~

Dear journal,

Today I am going to talk about Abusing the 999 call.I think that those school children and members of public abuse the call 999 just for some pranks(you know,I hate that!)and I heard that some er.. insane people call the police and say that my dolly was kidnapped.(its so lame!)We should only call 999 when there is asn emergency.We SHOULD not call 999 when there is no emergencies!Abusing the call 999 will affect other peopl that are calling because when the 1st call was ringing that is a prank call and the 2nd call(an emergency)could not come through the line and can't report anthing.I think we should think before we call 999.The charges for fake calls are enough for them.

Term 3 week 2 ~>>saving gaia<<~

dear journal,

I don't know anything about the Saving Gaia Campign,im telling you, i don't know ANYTHING about the saving gaia campign!!so please let me off i don't know anything to wirte so please don't tell me to wirte about Gaia :( Now end of conversation!

Term 2 week 10 ~>>Earthquake Aftermath<<~

Dear Journal,

Today,I am going to talk about the Earthquake Aftermath.Well,I actually don't know how does an earth quake appear but i believe that it is made by the drillings on the ground that make a earthquake because the drill will force the ground to be soften and it will cause the Earth to shake and make an Earthquake!well actually I made it all up T_T.Well,when there is a earthquake,all people will know the oldest way of preventing to be hit is duh.. hidding under a table.....I think that scientist will detect an earthquake by a satelite because the satelite can see evrywhere in Earth.The side effects of the Earthquake in SiChuan is probally the lost of their families and house and children becomes the what they call it the "orphan'.The survivors of the earthquake must be very sad when the earthquake was over and doesn't know how to resume their daily lives.Well,I have a word for the childrens of the SiChuan earthquake....:"Be strong!!get over it and lead your life!!!"well, thats what i'm going to say

Term 2 week 9 ~>>Belting Up On School Buses<<~

Dear Journal

Today I am talking about Belting up on school buses.Well,I don't actually take the school bus to school because my mothern says that walking is better.I agree with Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC MP Penny Low that that safety belts should be install in school buses because some students are very mischevious they like to play around in the bus and i heard that there was a few accidents on not belting up on school buses.